2019 National Scouting Combine prospect TJ Telphy, RB from Fort Lewis

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TJ TELPHY  | Fort Lewis College | 2019 Graduate | RB/WR/Special Teams

Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting process was like. Why did you choose Fort Lewis? Coming out of high school I was on the radar and recruited by some pretty good division 1 schools like UTAH STATE, home town college USC, IOWA STATE, and TENNESSEE. Coming from a smaller high school, I was over looked in the recruiting process. This led me to JUCO, (Chaffey College) where it would change the course of my career. I was recruited by Colorado St. and Minnesota Mankato and many more schools. Those where my top 2. CSU passed on me because I only had 1 year to play with them and Mankato passed on me due to the head coaches decision. All the other schools weren’t really offering me the opportunity I felt I deserved so I passed on them and stay faithful. That’s when Fort Lewis came I. The picture offering me a scholarship I couldn’t resist.
What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far? My biggest accomplishment in my sports career so far was having 5 consecutive +100yard games and knocking down the top ranked school in our conference and Nation all in the same season.
What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at Fort Lewis? One of the most important things I’ve learned from my coaches at my school, is to Never be selfish towards nor give up on your student athlete!
What was your major and what are your plans if football didn’t work out? My major at Fort Lewis College is Sports Admiration with a minor in coaching. If football didn’t work out, then I would want to become a NFL Scout and or coach within the same sport. I want to help the kids in our community graduate high school and make it to college to get their degrees and make better for our communities overall.
What would your teammates say about you and your qualities? My teammates would say I’m a real brother to them. We are all like family, they would say i was a great leader and led by example and if needed spoke out for them. They would say I’m very versatile in ball but an even better person who cares for their success and not only myself. They’ll let you know I would do whatever to make them smile.
What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it? My biggest challenge so far has been dealing with an ankle injury and trying to get coaches/scouts to accept me coming out of a Division 2 college. The way I deal with it is by not buying into the negative ideologies of it. I work harder each day and let the Lord take care of anything out of my control.
What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you? Pro Scouts should consider me because I am what a RB should be. My biggest strength is being VERSATILE at RB, as a Slot and special teams player. I’m tenacious and tough between the tackles as well as when the ball is in the air. I also bring a great attitude off the field along with me. I want to better my community and society so my goals and efforts consider being a great teammate and Role model. I’am more than a football player.
Who is or has been the most influential person in your life? My mother and my father have been the most influential people in my life. They never let anything stop them from doing what they believe in or is right for their family and themselves. They work so hard and watching them work so hard through struggling times has been very inspiring.
Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community? I’m involved with the church helping the boys and girls club also signing up for mission trips if I’m able to attend. Myself and some close friends of mine (Marquise Young of UMASS) (Kyle Evans of Colorado University) (Bernard Mcdondald of Colorado State Pueblo) are being mentored by Shane Vereen and we are looking towards building and hosting our own charity events for our communities as well.
How are you preparing for the 2019 National Scouting Combine and what are your expectations? I’m preparing myself in all aspects. Training for the on the field activities at Landow Performance and preparing for interviews with scouts at Landow Performance with my mentor. My expectations are to have a solid grade by coaches and scouts all across the board.
What would be your ultimate achievement? My Ultimate achievement will be making the 53 man roster in the National Football League or other Pro leagues.

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2024 National Scouting Combine

February 18-22 held at Grand Park Events Center in Westifled, IN. Accepting draft eligible nominations now!
Lets Go!

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