2019 National Scouting Combine prospect Dan Iannone, University of New Haven OL

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Dan Iannone | University of New Haven | OL

Twitter @daniannone
Instagram @dan_iannone

Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting process was like. Why did you choose New Haven?

I had a very great college career at my school. My senior year we went to the second round of the NCAA division 2 playoffs. I was an All-American honorable mention, all region, all New England and all conference player. I broke our school record for the squat and bench press. I chose New Haven because the coaching staff really cares about all of the players and they want to see you succeed on and off the field. It is a great environment and we play a very high level of football here. The recruiting process for me was a tough one. In high school I earned an offer from the Naval Academy and I had close to 25 division one schools who were very interested in me. When push came to shove, no one would offer me. If I was another inch taller or twenty pounds heavier the excuses were all the same. New Haven showed me that division 2 football is no joke, anyone on our team could have easily played at the next level.

What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

My biggest accomplishment would be when we headed down to play West Chester in the first round of the NCAA playoffs and many if not everyone thought there was no way we could beat this top ten team in the country. We came to play and showed that rankings don’t matter, it is all about who wants to go out and play with more heart. We won the game 35-28 and advanced to the next round. This was our first playoff win in a few years and our first playoff win with our coach. It was an amazing experience and a great team win.

What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at

One of the more important things I learned from our coaches at New Haven was paying attention to the little things in football. From studying film and looking at the defenses, they really made sure to get us prepared each and every week no matter who we were playing. We took care of the little things and we would get the job done on gameday. We would work hard all week and just go out and play on Saturdays.

What was your major and what are your plans if football didn’t work out?

My major is Paramedicine, I will graduate in May 2019 with a Bachelors in Paramedicine. If football didn’t work out, I will be working as a paramedic back home in New Jersey and going to school to study respiratory therapy and become a respiratory therapist.\

What would your teammates say about you and your qualities?

My teammates would say that I was a very hard worker on the field and off the field. I always had good grades and they could see how much I worked during the off season and during the season. They would say I was a great leader and I always played to the fullest. It didn’t matter if we were up by 50 or down by 50, I would go out there and dominate.

What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

My biggest challenge would be balancing football and my paramedicine work load. During the season in the fall I have no time to do any of our clinical work in the hospital, so I behind a little compared to all the other students. In the spring time is when I take advantage and try and get all of my hours done. This major is tough to study and play sports as well. You have to have great time management.

What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

My biggest strength I would bring to a professional team would be my athleticism, I could play multiple positions on offence and I could play defense as well. I have good agility and speed for an offensive lineman. My work ethic is top notch also. I enjoy and embrace the grind and I have great heart because I love to compete with everything. Pro scouts should consider me because they can see from the film and workouts that I love to play football, I will show them that just because I came from a smaller school that doesn’t mean I can’t play big time football with all of the professional players.

Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

The most influential people have been my parents. They came to everyone of my college games along with my older brother. My parents never missed a game in my entire football career. From a very young age they taught me discipline and the hard-working mentality. From them I learned how to fight and never give up and to be humble. They are my biggest supporters and I always want to make them feel proud of me.

Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community?

I am not involved in a mentoring program or charity. Our team does a lot of community service in the city from cleaning up peoples yards, shoveling snow and playing with little kids in local elementary schools.

How are you preparing for the 2019 National Scouting Combine and what were your expectations?

I am preparing very hard for the combine. I stick to my hard training schedule and work to improve myself every day to get ready to go out and perform. My expectations for the combine are very high. I know that I can go out and compete with anyone and my training has been very hard. I expect high of myself because I know what I am capable of I just have to go out there and show it.

What would be your ultimate achievement?

My ultimate achievement would be to play football in the NFL for anyone. I love the game and believe I have what it takes to play at the next level. I want to play professional football somewhere, that is my main goal and my achievement.

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