2019 National Scouting Combine prospect Devon Doggett, Midwestern State University Defensive Lineman

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D.J Doggett | Midwestern State University | Defensive End

Twitter: Ddogg_44
Instagram: ddoggett56

Q: Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting process was like. Why did you choose Midwestern State?

A: I was originally a 6’2 210lbs wide receiver coming out of high school and signed as a Tight End/H-Back with Navarro Junior College, my freshman year I got up to 220lbs and wound up starting 4 games at the fullback position my sophomore year I had some Division 1 schools and a boat load of Division offer me, ultimately I choose Midwestern State University because they are a winning program and they pushed education and post collegiate career development. At that time I was about 245lbs. I signed as a Tight End but got moved to defensive end before my junior season. My size, speed, and strength allowed for an easy transition. I stared 7 games my junior year. Then started all 10 games my senior year and finished among the team leaders in tackles.

Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: I would say helping lead my team in 2017 to an undefeated regular season and an outright conference chanpionship for the first time since 2012.

Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing atMidwestern State?

A: At Midwester State I learned things are gonna happen that you don’t expect or are not gonna be pleased with. It’s how you respond to that adversity that will separate a good player from a great player. When I got moved to Defensive End I was not to thrilled because I had never played defense in my life. But rather than complain I looked at it as an opportunity to better the team and see the field even more.

Q: What was your major and what are your plans if football didn’t work out?

A: I For undergrad I majored in Sports Administration and Mass Communication I am currently working on my master’s degree in Sports Administration. My goal is to ultimately get my PhD and become an athletic director at any school.

Q: What would your teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: Teammates would say that I’m a grinder and as a Left Defensive End I embrace doing the dirty work, whether it’s taking on double teams, spilling pulling guards, tackles, and tight ends, or setting the edge in the run game.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: I expect a ton outta myself so if I miss a play I get furious with myself and tend to play recklessly because I want to make up for my mistake. It used to be worse when I was younger, now that I’m older I do get a tad bothered if I were to miss a play but I remember that in football not everything will go your way, even the best at this position have their slip ups, you just have to put it in the rear view mirror and keep grinding away.

Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A: My, size athleticism and physicality, as much as I enjoy pass rushing I enjoy defending the run just as much, maybe even more. Also I have only played Defensive End for two years and have not reached my ceiling especially technique wise. Once I master my technique in combination with my natural abilities. I believe I can contribute on any team.

Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: It would be two people,
my parents Darren and Lubirtha, they both didn’t finish college, yet both are hardworking, attentive, and have done an amazing job providing my sisters and I with a good life. They would both give strangers the shirts off of their backs if need be.

Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community?

A: I always go back to my old high school and visit with the up and coming football team to give them advice on what they could expect from high school and college both on and off the field. Even when I’m not scheduled to speak and am just up there working uo they always come up and ask ne questions which I am happy to answer.

Q: How are you preparing for the 2019 National Scouting Combine and what were your expectations?

A: I am working on my technique as well as the measurable drills, with the possibility of playing outside linebacker at the professional level because I am only 6’3″ I have been adhering to a strict diet and being focusing on speed and conditioning instead of just raw power.

Q: What would be your ultimate achievement?

A: Atheltic wise it would be making a CFL, NFL, of AAF team. Even if it were just a camp invite being simply given the opportunity would be a blessing. Off the field my ultimate achievement would be earning my PhD and becoming an athletic director at a Univeristy as that has been a dream of mine as much as playing professional football has.

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