2019 National Scouting Combine prospect Joseph Griffin, Strong Safety from Trine University

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Joseph Griffin | Trine University | Strong Safety 


Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting process was like. Why did you choose Trine?

I started my college career off at a junior college in California, I spent my first and second year of college at Monterey Peninsula college in the northern part of California. I had a very successful two seasons there playing as an undersized rush end. Recording 10.5 sacks as a freshman and 13.5 as a sophomore. And after those two years the recruiting process was very exciting for me, gaining recognition from PAC-12 and Mountain west schools. And although being wanting by division 1 and division 2 schools I was put into classes which weren’t transferable so I took an offer from a small school in Angola Indiana where one of my high school coaches had landed a running back job so that’s where I chose to play. 


What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

My biggest accomplishment so far in sports I would have to say is moving to California right after high school, and when I say right after I mean a few days after receiving my diploma. I mention that because I was a 18 year old kid who wanted out of Fort Wayne Indiana and didn’t get many division 1 offers out of high school so my long time coach offered me a chance to go play junior college ball. My first day out there I was nervous but after a long talk with our defensive back coach all of that when out the window. For two years I was a dominant force off the edge, and loved striking fear in the tackles I would go against. There would be games where some of the players would tell me there OC couldn’t stress enough about stopping me. So to me so far in sports particularly football that’s my biggest accomplishment being able to strike fear in someone because of the force I was. Not being named first team all conference two years in a row or finally getting a chance to win a conference championship with a team! It was being told after almost every game by my opponents that I’m a great player and keep up the good work! 


What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at Trine?

The most important thing I learned while spending time at Trine University was from my position coach. His name, Derrick Prather. And he always told me to always keep my composure thorough out the game no matter the circumstances! And I bring that up because when I first got to trine in camp I would beat myself up about not making plays I knew I could make in my sleep at that level. Also getting frustrated when the offense scores or gain to many yards. He pulled me in his office one day and explained to me if I every want to play at the next level I have to keep my composure. And we started having these talks once a week so I started understanding that he was right and I made a change for the better! 


What was your major and what are your plans if football didn’t work out?

My major was Exercise Science, and of football didn’t work I would want to be around the players for help as a trainer. But not just for help with injury’s, I’d want to be that trainer that would give young men advice as well. 


What would your teammates say about you and your qualities?

If you guys were to interview every guy I’ve played with and asked them what type of player I am. They would tell you guys that he is a very intense player and that’s on and off the field who is crazed for success! They would tell you that he is one of the best teammates that you could have on your team. A guy that will go to the furthest extent to have his teammates back, someone who doesn’t just think about his self. A very coachable player that can take constructive criticism and make the necessary changes by any means to become a better player for his team. 


What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

I’m actually going through the biggest challenge in my life now! And that’s trying to get into pro football, showing and letting someone who cares to listen and watch that I can play ball with the best! Even after going juco then going to a division 3 and many other humbling events before that. But I can go on about how I haven’t had a shot or how no ones believes a division 3 player can not only make it in the league but thrive there. It’s about ability and are you able to take on the weight that comes with being a professional player. And I’m not just talking about the game, I’m talking about just being in that position! How I carry myself outside of the carrier. And I think that plays a big part in having this career, I can show BSN the 3 years of hard work I’ve put in on the field after college and a change of position that I’ve gotten comfortable with. But if given the opportunity to play professional football I would show BSN what type of man they invested in! A man that will not take this opportunity for granted if picked up, if giving an opportunity to play on a team I would give back to my community and do all the necessary things so more young men don’t go through the endeavors I went through. And also be a role model off the field, like staying out of the negative spot light! Proving that I’m ready to carry the weight of being a professional athlete! 


What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

I believe the biggest strength I can bring to a professional club is attitude! I consider myself old school in a way when it comes to stepping on the field. I’m coming to knock somebody out, and that’s as raw as I can answer this question! I’m not the type of player who’s focus is what’s happening after the game or what I’m gonna be doing, I rather not even speak before the game because my main focus is breaking the offenses will! Now I can include speed, quickness, covering ability and tackling ability but I believe my attitude when I get on the field is what will separate me from a lot of other guys! And that’s the same thing I would look a scout in his eyes and tell him. I believe I could be a great asset to any defense I’m on. Being that I was a rush end the majority of my life I’d be a safety that’s like a utility knife, and do multiple things rather than being back in coverage. 


Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

My mother, grandfather and aunt has been the most influential people in my life! People that’s always had my back for whatever no matter what! 


Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community?

No I’m not but I plan on it big time! 


How are you preparing for the 2019 National Scouting Combine and what are your expectations?

I’m preparing by keeping my head down an continuing to work as hard as I can for this! An opportunity of a lifetime that I can’t let past by, I spend all the time I can with my trainer preparing and making sure that I make the 28th a day to remember for scouts. And my expectations is to be offered an opportunity to in the NFL or CFL which are two leagues I believe I can play in! 


What would be your ultimate achievement?

My ultimate achievement would be to get a roster spot and be a difference maker for my team. I would do anything possibly for just the opportunity, I have full confidence in myself and believe the team who wants me will be happy with what they got. So getting signed after this event would be my ultimate achievement! 

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