2021 National Scouting Combine Featured Athlete Isiah Malone, DB from Augsburg University

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Isiah Malone | Augsburg University | DB 

Twitter: @Isiah_Malone | Instagram: @Z.e.k.e_M

Isiah Malone – DB – Augsburg University

​Q: Tell us about your college (or pro) career and what the recruiting/scouting process was like. Why did you choose (Augsburg University)?

A: I did not play ball right after high school unfortunately and I did not know about juco coming out of high school. I thought my football career was over until after my first semester of community college so once I did more research on how to transfer to a school that has sports, I made it so that I could attend a college that I can continue my football career. I was so hungry and eager to get back on the field that I took the first opportunity that came to me from the schools that I was in contact with and Augsburg University football program showed me the most love and my mother told me this is where I needed to be and that’s why I attended Augsburg University.


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: Being able to play at the college level is my biggest accomplishment in my sports career based off of my journey and what I been through. I did not think it was possible and I am pushing to continue my career to play at the pro level.


Q: How was your career impacted due to the 2020 pandemic and what have you learned from the adversity?

A: The pandemic prevented a lot of football operations such as workouts, prodays, try-outs, combines, etc. Things happen for a reason and I knew that there was going to be an opportunity within the next year or so. I continued to train and get better mentally, physically and spiritually. I coached at a high school as an assistant defensive backs coach so I was still around the game teaching and learning to keep me focused.


Q: What was your major and what are your plans if football doesn’t work out?

A: My major is communication PR. If playing football doesn’t work out, I plan to continue to train and coach the game while going back to school to get my associates in computer science for programming.


Q: What would your current/past teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: They would say that I am ambitious with a strong drive. I work hard and I don’t settle for less. I am a leader with great leadership and teamwork skills. I love to get my teammates involved, I’m always willing to learn and I pay attention to details.


Q: What has been one of the most memorable plays of your career at any level?

A: My most memorable plays was a game ending interception against our rivals in college for “the hammer” trophy.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: My biggest challenge is being better than I was the day before. I always wake up with a grind mindset to not only get better and work on the things that I am good at but also work on the things that I am not good at or areas where I am lacking in. I always want to go into the next day better than I was before and it start with the little things.


Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A: My biggest strength is not only my IQ of the game but my quickness and ability to break off the ball. I am coachable and pay attention to details.


Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back” or ”pay it forward” in your community?

A: I did volunteer work with FMSC (Feed My Starving Children) and Special Olympics.

I currently train the DB’s and LB’s at my alma mater free of charge just to help better their game and to give them an opportunity that I didn’t have when I was in their shoes.


Q: How are you preparing for the 2021 National Scouting Combine and what are your goals?

A: I am training 5 days out the week working on speed/strength, technique, position specific drills and gaining more knowledge of the game through film. I connect with players and trainers that’s been in this process before and that are currently in this process asking questions and doing research on players (specifically my position).



Q: What would be your ultimate achievement?

A: My ultimate Achievement would be signing an NFL, CFL, XFL contract and earning an active spot on the roster working my way to starter.



Q: What do you enjoy doing when not playing football?

A: I enjoy spending time with my family/love ones, working out, training other athletes and grocery shopping.



Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: I feel like I make a positive impact already. Whenever I greet or first meet someone, I always ask how they are doing and I often get a happy/excited response saying “I am good, thanks for asking. How are you?”. When I ask that, I actually mean what I ask. A lot of times people use “how are you” as a greet but it’s really a deep question to ask others because we never know what the next person is dealing with or going through in their life and its always good to ask before you start a conversation with someone whether you know them personally or not.



Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: My parents is the most influential people in my life. Knowing what they went through and what they had to do to support my two siblings and I. I can testify that my parents did a hell of a job and still are.


Q: What is something unique about you that people would find interesting?

A: I am honest and I hold myself accountable for everything.



Q: What is your dream job?

A: My dream job is to be a pro athlete playing football in the NFL.