National Scouting Combine Feature: Running Back De’Anta Sipp

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De’Anta Sipp | Kentucky Christian/ Campbellsville University | RB 

Twitter: YourEminence3 | Instagram: youreminence_m3

Q: Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting/scouting process was like. Why did you choose (Enter school name)?

A: I am from a small town in Senatobia, Mississippi. Due to my location and school, it was difficult to get recognized by a wide-reaching audience within the football community. I chose the school that was best fit for my family’s financial situation as well as my education but not necessarily best fit for chasing my dreams.


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: I would say being the All-Time Leading Rusher at Kentucky Christian. I was almost redshirted my freshman year, but props to my family because they kept encouraging me to the the best. It was a long season I went from 6th string running back to 1st string running back to breaking school records my freshman year.


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at (Enter school name)?

A: I learned the art of discipline and leadership, No matter the circumstances you show up for work the next day and you’re intentionally present to what’s going on ( Kentucky Christian and Campbellsville University)

I try to do something daily to make a positive impact. Whether it be words of encouragement or even giving someone a ride who has no car. I live to make a difference daily.”

Q: What was your major and what are your plans if football doesn’t work out?

A: I have a bachelors in social work and a minor in counseling psychology. I am currently pursuing my masters in Business Entrepreneurship with a current Graduation date of May 2022 and I want to be an investor.


Q: What would your current/past teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: They always tell me I impact the room just by being myself and that they love having me as a teammate.


Q: What has been one of the most memorable plays of your career at any level?

A: My aunt says the play when I spun off the defender and everybody thought I was down and I went on to score but my favorite play personality was the play I broke 5+ tackles then pushed to the goal line they marked me short but I thought the ball broke the plane.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: Losing my Grandfather and uncle suddenly while in college was really hard and honestly initially I kept myself busy and dealt with it later. 


Q: Who was the best player you played against during your collegiate career?

A: Man it’s a toss up between a few guys man , Cameron Dukes from Lindsey was different, So was DJ from Georgetown, So was Brown from U Pike , So was Teon from Reinhardt, So was Wimbush from Bluefield man I could go on and on, I played against some Dogs everyday at practice as well.


Q: If you could compare yourself to a pro athlete, who would that be and why?

A: I always say my game is like Zeke because of my burst and new found patience but I strive to be a Barry Sanders Type Back 


Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A: I bring God with me everywhere, pro scouts should consider me because every meeting in college I brought my notebook and I sat towards the front if not at the front and anytime a Coach was making a coaching point I wasn’t talking I was paying attention. I’m still learning things and I’m still getting better.


Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back” or ”pay it forward” in your community?

A: Every opportunity I am home, I take time to motivate all those aspiring high school athletes as well as people in my community. I also make myself available for motivational speaking engagements around mental health.


Q: What do you enjoy doing when not playing football?

A: Playing Video Games and stretching , watching motivational videos.


Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: My family taught me through Christian principles to always do something to make a difference. I try to do something daily to make a positive impact. Whether it be words of encouragement or even giving someone a ride who has no car. I live to make a difference daily.


Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: I can’t give all the credit to one person man. My family because they showed me what real love was and also showed me how to get things out the mud and most importantly how to trust God above all things.


Q: What is something unique about you that people would find interesting?

A: I am very family oriented and I love helping. Also I get a little creative in the kitchen , I’ll make a meal out of anything as long as it’s stuff I eat.


Q: If you had the opportunity to play another sport professionally, what sport would you choose?

A: aha , I would probably choose UFC 


Q: What is your dream job?

A: Professional Football Player