National Scouting Combine Sports Agent Feature Buddy Walters from Pro Level Agents

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Buddy Walters | Pro Level Agents | Sports Agents

Twitter: @ProLevelAgents 

Q: How did you come to start Pro Level Agency? What was your motivation?

A:  After my contract expired at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in January 2020, I helped 2 partners with a different sports management business. In August of 2021, after dissolving the other company, I wanted to create a company that would set the mark for other Agencies. Pro Level Sports Agency is smashing expectations that I never thought would occur so fast.


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?

A: Having the honor to be employed at NFL Football Operations & the Pro Football Hall of Fame 


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned during your career?

A: Professional Athletes are superstars on TV but average Joe’s in person.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A:  The ability to say no. I want to help as many athletes as possible but realize that’s not always possible. Thankfully I have a management team that keeps me in check.


Q: What qualities do you look for when scouting athletes for representation?

A:  Current professional looking film, a player’s height & Weight compared to his playing position. Age is a huge factor. The closer to age 30 a player is, their chances of high level professional opportunities decrease. Players must have great character and clean social media.


Q: How can athletes learn more or get on your radar?

A: athletes seeking representation can complete our Athlete Representation Questionnaire located at https://prolevelagents.com/representation Current game film is MANDATORY 


Q: What can athletes do to prepare for opportunities at the next level?

A: Stay relevant, Train your butt off and stay in “game ready” shape. Stay out of trouble and maintain a clean social media platform. Attending legitimate Pro Day style combines like NSC will assist with getting the Player the measurables pro scouts need.


Q: How important is an athlete’s background and do you look for anything specific?

A:  Background is huge. Players looking to play at the NFL must have a solid playing background that is verifiable and also a clean criminal background. Knucklehead decisions have a way of biting us when we least expect it.


Q: Who is the perfect candidate that will succeed with your help?

A: A athlete who is a hard worker and able to take constructive feedback. A athlete who trains hard daily and is willing to take any steps necessary to achieve their end goal. A athlete who is a leader on & off the fieldvand a pillar in their community. 


Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: I’d want to reach our youth and help guide them. We are losing too many young men & women to the streets. We need to show them that there are other options then life imprisonment or death.


Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: My uncle Buddy Ryan (46 Defense & SB XX)


Q: What is something unique about your sport or organization that people would find fascinating?

A: Pro Level Sports Agency maintains a family oriented atmosphere. Our player reps, Agents & Agent Advisors all have varying backgrounds & specialties that bring a uniqueness to what we do.