Featured Sports Agent Donald Felice, from AND Sports Entertainment

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Donald Felice | Sport Agent – AND Sports Entertainment

Twitter: @Andsportent | Instagram: @andsportsentertainment

Q: What qualities do you look for in representing an athlete?

A: We look for quality people as well as outstanding players . Hard working, coachable young men that want to develop into the best they can be .


Q: Tell us a little bit about your sports career as a player and agent?

A: I am a retired professional cyclist. Have been an agent for 8 years now . Every race, game I ever played has prepared me for what I am doing today .



Q: What motivated you to become an Agent?

A: Players .. To many guys go unnoticed . I didn’t want to punch a clock for the rest of my life . We have built something special.


Q: How did 2020 and the pandemic affect your professional opportunities?

A: All clients, and bands list All gigs and jobs . We have revamped the website and hired front office staff to prepare for when this ends and have all staff on point .


Q: What are some of the benefits you provide to the clients and perspective clients?

A: Loyalty. Trust. Respect. We offer Endorsement. Financial planning. Training programs. We answer our phone and keep it real with our clients. We have a proven track record an get results .


Q: What characteristics make an athlete attractive to represent?

A: Film. Players must have current quality film.  A good resume helps . Size. Speed and dedication to a program. 


Q: How can attending the National Scouting Combine improve an athlete’s stock value?

A: Exposure. Small school kids who don’t have an opportunity to showcase their talent . This is a great event for young athletes to stand out under the spot light .


Q: What are the benefits to the athlete for having an agent?

A: So players can focus on the field and the agent handles business side.  We have contact with all leagues in all sports we represent our athletes . Provide the best opportunity to be put in a successful situation .


Q: How long have you been an agent, what certifications do you uphold?

A: AND Sports has been in business for 8 years . I am a Licensed Athlete Agent in NY where my company’s corporate office is located .


Q: What can a player do to make themselves more attractive to pro organizations?

A: Watch what they post on Social media. Attend tryouts . Network at events . Be a professional on an off the field .


Q: Do you believe scouting has evolved for better or worse due to the 2020 pandemic?

A: For us it really hadn’t changed.  We scout a player , we do our research . Watch film , call coaches . We also do our own evaluation ,which are shared w the potential client prior to signing them .


Q: What do you enjoy most about being an agent?

A: Free tickets …. Watching a young man live his dream . Make his family proud .


Q: What’s the best piece of advice you have received?

A: Jimmy V .

  • Don’t give up , don’t ever give up .