Former National Scouting Combine DB Jamie Cumberbatch from Gallaudet

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Jamie Cumberbatch | Gallaudet University | DB

Twitter: @JCIsland2 | Instagram: @JCIsland2

Q: How did 2020 and the pandemic affect your professional opportunities?

A:  It cancelled some opportunities I looked forward to attending which was tough to deal with mentally



Q: How did 2020 and the pandemic adjust your preparation for future opportunities?

A: I’m blessed to have been working in a gym so I was still able to train and properly prepare myself for an opportunity



Q: What were your reasonings to attend the National Scouting Combine?

A: The need to expose myself to the environment where professional football starts, to see how to conduct myself & network with like minded individuals



Q: How has attending the National Scouting Combine help you in your professional career?

Jamie Cumberbatch – 2019 DB

A: I was able to get in contact with coaches and scouts from all levels, I’ve used my numbers from my performance to get my foot in the door with professional opportunities

 My goal is to go out to Poland and make a positive name for myself, while helping my team make a playoff run


Q: What was an important fact that you learned about yourself during this process?

A: My mental toughness was going to be one of my most needed traits



Q: What do you think sets the National Scouting Combine apart from the other combine or showcase events?

A: It’s an event used to get small school guys and athletes that may be under the radar the exposure they need to get signed



Q: What are your sports or personal goals for 2021?

A: My goal is to go out to Poland and make a positive name for myself, while helping my team make a playoff run


Q: Rank the top five priorities in your life.

A: God, family, personal development, friends, mentorship



Q: What is some advice you would give to the athletes who are planning to participate in the upcoming National Scouting Combine?

A: Conduct yourself as a professional at all times, your mannerisms matter just as much as what you can do athletically on the field.



Q: What were your reasonings to attend the National Scouting Combine?

A: As a small school guy myself I needed to get myself out there and create some traction for myself



Q: What has kept you motivated in life to continue to work hard and keep pushing forward?

A: Trusting God & knowing that hard work pays off with enough perseverance



Q: How have all your past sports experiences prepared you to become a better player and/or teammate?

A: Once I learned that the unit has to move efficiently TOGETHER, I realized where I fit in the grand scheme of things and played my role.



Q: What’s the best piece of advice you have received?

A: KEEP WORKING, stay patient