Jared McGriff Culver—“It’s the small pieces that make the puzzle.”

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Jared McGriff Culver—“It’s the small pieces that make the puzzle.”

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Growing up Jared Culver always looked up to his older brother as a role model; which was one of the reasons for starting football—his dad was the other. Growing up Culver realized that his father tried the best he could but they did not have a strong relationship outside of sports. His father helped him gain more knowledge about the game and also taught him how to not only be a player of the sport, but a student as well.

Currently Culver is running and athletic performance business with two other co-owners. Their business focuses on training kids from the ages of 10-18 in their perspective sport. While doing that, Culver coaches every morning at the Cossfit Gym his wife owns. He loves getting to help people achieve their goals and knowing that he can help.

But I love every day. Knowing I can help and be there for those I coach and train.

When asked, Culver said that his wife and kids are the reason for his hard work and dedication to become the best athlete to his ability. “Biggest strength is winning every day,” is what Culver believes is one of his strengths on the field and off the field. Culver is not only driven by the overall outcome of the game, but also smaller aspects of the game

“It’s the small pieces that make the puzzle, and that’s where I love to hang my hat and where I love the process of winning.”

Although Culver has a love for winning, he is not afraid of failure and will continue to work hard and gain knowledge within the game. While playing at Mizzou he was asked to switch from a LB position to a HB—which he took as a challenge and worked hard to excel in this position.

Throughout the years, this sport has taught Culver team work, failure, responsibility, and dedication. Giving him the highest highs and the lowest lows, football has been a sport that Culver exceeds in and between that, and his determination of winning, he will continue to work hard until he reaches the next level.