National Scouting Combine Feature: Alton Walker, Owner of the AIFA

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Alton Walker | American Indoor Football Alliance

Owner & Founder 

Tell us a little about your background in football.

I’ve worked out for 3 NFL teams (Dallas, Jacksonville & New Orleans), I also attended the regional combine in Atlanta, GA. In 1996, after that played 1 year in Canada and 15 years of Arena football 

What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?
Owning an Arena team of my own and becoming the founder and Commissioner of one of the first successful minority owned leagues (AIFA)


What was your motivation and inspiration for launching a brand new indoor football league?

To give the players and coaches a legit league to be proud and possibly go to the next level, as well as a league that the owners has a voice and can actually make money and not fold.

How long have you been planning to officially launch the AIFA?
It’s been a vision of mine for about 3 years

What are your goals for year one?

To have a complete, successful season with little hiccups, and get some of the players a shot at the next level.


How will this league be different from other indoor football leagues and how many teams will take the field in 2022?

We believe in player first, profit second, and we’re more than just about football (faith, family then football) 5 teams will kickoff the 2022 season


How many roster spots will be available on each team?

30 roster spots per team and 22 players dress per game 


What type of player are you looking to scout and recruit to play for the AIFA?

A player with heart and determination to go to the next level and ready to help his fellow man (each 1 reach 1 teach 1)


How important will it be to establish relationships with the local communities where team are located?

Very important as we are trying to assist with economic growth in each market 


What can players expect from playing in the AIFA in regard to opportunities and exposure?

Top notch professional arena football like it use to be, as well as actually getting players opportunities to get to the next level. TV deals and social media presence more than the average, teaching the players how to market themselves and become a positive brand


Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

My parents and my pastor


Why did you chose the National Scouting Combine to help the league identify talent?

I’ve seen first hand how the top notch staff works, they can take any player and organization to a whole new level of professionalism and credibility