National Scouting Combine Featured Sports Agent Don Felice from AND Sports & Entertainment

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Don Felice | AND Sports & Entertainment | Sports Agent

Twitter: @andsportsent | Instagram: @ANDSportsentertainment

Q: How did you come to start And Sports Entertainment? What was your motivation?

A: After a 12 year professional  career I didn’t want to punch a clock for the rest of my life . I worked w a minor league basketball team in Buffalo , the owner had a sports agency and thought I fit the mold ,so I became licensed and worked w no support or assistance.  I learned how NOT to treat players . Was planning on launching in April of 2014 , but resigned and started in October of 2013 . As a basketball only agency . Which has now grown to 4 Divisions w over 60 staff and clients . 


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?

A: My biggest accomplishment was winning the bronze medal in 2008 Pan American games in Argentina . I won over 100 races in my career,  but this bronze wearing Team USA was my greatest accomplishment. 


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned during your career?

A: Loyalty and respect. Being loyal to  the sport, your sponsors ,teammates and and yourself


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: Biggest challenge is being from a small town , convincing these young athletes to chase the dream no matter what comes in the way . Moving the company to a bigger market has opened many more doors and put the company in a much better position for success. 


Q: What qualities do you look for when scouting athletes for representation?

A: Qualities.  We look for great players that have an extremely strong work ethic . No excuses . We look for players that have strong family values because the game is only so long and the player has to be seen in a positive way in the community.  


Q: How can athletes learn more or get on your radar?

A: As far as getting on our radar . We have the best scouts in the business. Located all over the US and Canada .  They find the top 2 % and we go from there . We don’t pay players to sign like many other agents . We were all athletes , coaches at one point ,not lawyers behind a desk . I definitely feel that sets us apart in a tough industry where everyone wants handouts . We work hard We are honest .we answer our phone and create opportunities. 


Q: What can athletes do to prepare for opportunities at the next level?

A: The way everything works is these kids who had scholarships have been given an education and still want more. Most D1 kids want $10,000 for training with guys lining their pockets at the expense of agents or parents. To be honest most trainers will tell you. You don’t get that much faster in 6 weeks. Most of what they do is post on social media that I’m pushing tires. This is going to be a topic of a podcast I’m doing soon. These trainers are making a years salary in a few months. Only 1 % of players get to the highest level . This is a major problem and should be addressed. Why should anagent pay . Doest that kids family believe in him?


Q: How important is an athlete’s background and do you look for anything specific?

A: BACKGROUND . We actually have a private investigater do back ground checks on all potential clients . We monitor social media and do character checks as well. 


Q: Who is the perfect candidate that will succeed with your help?

A: Jeremiah Spicer is the perfect client. Works hard everyday . No excuses . Answers his phone and keeps the communication open . Stays ready for his next opportunity. We look forward to his upcoming season . 


Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: Positive impact on the world would be to cure cancer. It’s a horrible disease that affect kids and adults and their families.  I lost my Dad to cancer. It sucks .


Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: My Dad. he was a star 3 sport athlete in high-school. Received a scholarship to Colorado state for football and played professional baseball in the Redsoxs organization. He taught me hard work beats talent every time.


Q: What is something unique about your sport or organization that people would find fascinating?

A: AND Sports stands for Athletes N Determination, but we stand for so much more . We are honored to have such amazing athletes wear our brand . Our front office believes in the vision. We have a World series champion as VP of Baseball Thomas Eaton Arland Bruce III 2 XGrey Cup Champion as international director of Scouting.  Our Vp of Football Jerry Behand coached D1. Our VP of Basketball played overseas for 10 years Stanley Matthew. We were all in the game and the experience and knowledge we all have and share w our clients  I definitely feel that sets us apart from the rest.