National Scouting Combine Presents Running Back Nasjzae’ Bryant-Lelei from U of Hawaii, Black Hill State

Name: Nasjzae’ Bryant-Lelei
Position: RB
School: Catawba college, U of Hawaii, Black Hill State
HT/WT: 5’10 210
Instagram: mealticket1
. 2018 Catawba college freshman of the year (team award)
. 2018 special teams player of the year (team award)
. Over 300 career Carrie’s 1 fumble
. 90% grade in pass perfection when 1on1 with defenders

How’d you end up at your current school? What was the recruiting process like?
Recruiting died down with Yale and only school that wanted me at the time was Catawba college, spent a few years there and toon. Bet on myself, walked on at Hawaii and earned a scholarship, won the starting job and tore mcl during fall camp and got my scholarship pulled. Many D1 FBS AND FCS schools didn’t want to take a change on me because of my knee and I ended up at black hills state.

What gives you an advantage over other athletes at your position? I am the best pass protector in the class, not many runningbacks can run catch and block, can’t be used as a Swiss Army knife out of the back field and the slot can many any block needed.

What does being a student of a game mean to you? For me it’s to be the best version of myself and being able to play at a speed on the field that others can’t. So that means Leung in on the small things like coverages, shells, etc.

How does being a running back reflect itself in your personal life? Being reliable, I feel that being a runningback I have to be relied on in more ways that one, the oline relay on me to make them right if that miss a block, and hit the holes they open. the quarterback relays on me to protect him as well as catch the ball, and the wide receivers rely on me to protect the quarter back so he can get them the ball. I feel like I’ve always been relied on in my life and I take pride in that.

How would you describe your work ethic? Relentless, I’ve always been doubted, so I work harder and harder so I can make the doubters eat their words.

What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff? Be a sponge, love the game and it will love you back.

What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far? Walking on at Hawaii, making a name for myself and earning a scholarship, being a key factor to the team.

How did you hear about the National Scouting Combine? I got an invite on Twitter, some of my old youth teammates were in the combine last year.

Why did you choose the National Scouting Combine? Because they gave me an opportunity to chase my dream.

What do you hope to show people at the combine? That I can plan ball at the highest level and I can be the difference maker.

What was your Major? kinesiology and communications.

If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why? I want to help the less fortunate. Take people out of poverty, and I feel I can do that with the platform.

What is something unique about you that people would find interesting? I have 12 siblings

If you had the opportunity to play another sport professionally, what sport would you choose? Rugby

Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back” or “pay it forward” in your community? Me and two of my friends host a football camp for the kids of Hawaii, this year will be our 3rd annual camp. The camp is a free camp where all we ask the kids o bring is canned goods so we can give them to the less fortunate and charitable organizations.

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