National Scouting Combine Prospect Matthew Pack, DT from Osbourn High School

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Matthew Pack | Osbourn High School | DT | 2022

Instagram: @mattpac__

Q: Tell us about your high school career and what the recruiting process has been like thus far. 

A: As a high school football player, I have experienced playing as a Defensive Tackle. In this position, I must be vigilant and always prepared to tackle the opponent, keeping them from scoring.  I look forward to the recruiting process.

Q: When did you receive your first offer and what school was it from? How many offers have you received thus far? 

A: With the hope that football will continue next year, I look forward to receiving offers from some of my favorite colleges.

Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: My biggest accomplishment has been forcing fumbles and getting a fumble recoveries.

Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at your school?

A:  One of the more important things I’ve learned is that discipline is key. With discipline, I had found that it helps the team work better as a unit, and it helps me, as a player, function and perform better.

Q: What have you learned during this unique time in 2020? What did you focus on or accomplish during Quarantine?

A: I have learned that life can really change in an instance, therefore I have to stay focused and keep working hard. I focused on the positive and what I could control about this situation. As a result, I’ve been working out at home and at the gym.

Q: If you could play in college, what would you choose to major in? What are your plans if football doesn’t work out?

A: I will be majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I am hoping I will be able to pursue both football and Mechanical Engineering, but that separate of together.

Q: What would your current teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: My teammates would say I’m hardworking, I’m always looking for a way to be better than I am, and would qualify to go to a Division 1 college.

Q: What has been one of the most memorable plays of your career so far?

A: One of my most memorable plays was forcing a fumble.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: My biggest challenge was starting on D line, I kept working hard and kept a positive mindset.

Q: If you could compare yourself to a collegiate or pro athlete, who would that be and why?

A: I would compare myself to Aaron Donald, a Defensive Tackle for the Los Angeles Rams. Aaron Donald is one who always supports his team by getting sacks and forcing fumbles. We play the same position, and we get through the line and get in the back field. We assist our teams to victory by turning the ball to our offense.

Q: What is your biggest strength and why should college coaches & scouts consider you?

A: My biggest strength is that I’m very coachable and hardworking.

Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community?

A: I attend Reconciliation Community Church in Dumfries, Virginia. I have participated done Grounds maintenance for the church, operating the Sound System for the Ministry, and participate in the Rest Home Ministry. Additionally, I am on the Evangelism Team, where we go and evangelize door-to-door. Annually, I go to Washington, D.C., where we have a program that gives free food for the community.

Q: How are you preparing for the 2020 High School National Scouting Combine and what are your goals for the combine?

A: I am preparing by working out harder than ever, keeping a great mindset, and staying hydrated. My goals are to get the top numbers at the combine, as a rising Junior.

Q: What would be your ultimate achievement? 

A: Playing in the NFL would be my ultimate achievement, along with creating opportunities for underachieving youth.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when not playing football? Do you play other sports? 

A: I enjoy working out and also playing basketball.

Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life? 

A: Pastor John Payton of Reconciliation Community Church has been one of the most influential people in my life. He is a man of GOD and has taught me to live the life GOD has for me spiritually.

Q: What is something unique about you that people would find interesting?

A: I’m often told I’m huge for my age and I wear size 17 in shoes.

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