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Kyle Buss Scouting Report

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Report written by Jeremiah Wait 

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Download Scouting Report

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Combine Number

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Prospect Name
Buss, Kyle

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Pro Position(s)

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Scout Name
Jeremiah Wait

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Shippensburg University

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2020 NFL Draft

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Tapes Viewed: UConn highlights – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7fToB0UYPM

Robert Morris freshman year – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTnNkaDBGrA

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Best: Play speed, separation quickness, twitch, shiftiness, elusiveness, foot speed

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Worst: Body catches, run blocking

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Projection: Kyle Buss doesn’t have draft eligibility, as he was a participant in the Minnesota Vikings rookie minicamp last season. Being invited for a tryout last year with an NFL team just proves that Buss is more than capable of playing at the next level, and when you watch his film, you will have no doubts. He’s at his best when he’s able to be in the slot and is able to use his shiftiness, quickness, and superb route running in the passing game to create separation against defenders. He’s very capable of picking up YAC, and could be valuable in the screen game. He has the ability to succeed against zone and man coverages, because he’s able to attack the voids in zone, and he has the ability to use great route running against man coverage to create separation and easy throws for the QB.

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One-Liner: Kyle Buss is a CFL starting caliber/NFL ready prospect who would be best utilized in an offensive scheme that allows him to be lined up in the slot and within bunch and stack formations in a quick and intermediate passing game to attack zone coverage, but also a system that uses option routes and gives him an opportunity for YAC opportunities.

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Kyle Buss is a WR who attended the prestigious Milford Academy in high school before attending Robert Morris, and in 2015, he earned Northeast Conference Offensive Rookie of the Year award and was named to the All-NEC Second Team. After stepping away from the team for personal reasons, he transferred to UConn and led the team in receiving yards his senior season. Just so it’s known from the beginning, with his numbers at the National Scouting Combine and from his film, Kyle Buss is someone who in my opinion, could be a starting slot WR in the CFL right now. He is certainly a player that warrants another tryout in the NFL, and here’s why. When you watch his film, the first thing that you notice his his great acceleration and suddenness as a player. At Robert Morris, he played primarily at X, and even though he showed that he can play on the outside, that’s not where he’s at his best, as at UConn, he played in the slot. He’s a slot WR all the way, he plays great in space, and has a great feel and understanding of where he needs to be and how to set up the defender. At UConn, he played primarily in 10/11 personnel groupings that had him aligned in the slot, which is where he excels. You’re really able to see his speed and acceleration from the slot, where he does a great job of being able to press the feet of the safety in the back end or the LB in zone coverage before he makes his break, and he makes it really difficult for the defenders to get their hands on him. With his breaks, he does an excellent job of utilizing his suddenness and explosion with his quick feet to have solid breaks at the top of his routes, and he uses great deception to manipulate the defender into opening up their hips so they aren’t square. He’s a very crafty WR who uses his body so well and has great subtleness. He has a very good understanding of where to sit against zone coverages, and he plays with such a calmness and smoothness, as he’s always in control of his body. Even if defenders are able to get their hands on him, his great twitch and ability to use his hands at the top of his route allow him to get the defenders hands off of him. His speed is very evident when he’s able to attack the middle of the field, and run long crossing routes in the middle of the zone, safeties aren’t able to get to him in time. He’s not afraid to work the middle of the field and take a hit, and even though he isn’t the biggest player, he plays with a chip on his shoulder and isn’t afraid to be physical. Against man coverage, he can create a lot of match-up mismatches, especially against LB’s when he’s able to move around. At UConn, they weren’t afraid to move him around, as many times, he’d go in motion from one side of the field to the other, or from the backfield. Especially when he was able to move from the backfield, this allowed him to have matchups against LBs, which allowed him to exploit them with his great route running with intermediate routes. His multi-dimensional ability as someone who can play all over the field allows him to be really successful. For the few times where he was pressed in the slot or on the outside in man coverage, even though he’s of shorter stature, he’s very difficult to press at the LOS because of his ability to be so quick and have great twitch. Defenders wouldn’t be able to get their hands on him, and even if they did, he’s very forceful with his hands and uses great hand fighting to create good separation almost immediately in most cases at the LOS, which allowed him to get into his route with not much of a re- direct. His route running ability is really noticeable when he’s able to stack the defenders from man coverage, as his subtleness and ability to set up his routes, especially at the top of his routes, allows him to create a lot of separation from the defender. His speed doesn’t allow defenders to re-direct him at the top of the routes, so they’re literally guessing where he’s going to go, and his great breaks make it nearly impossible for the defenders to be successful. He’s a very smooth pass catching WR, who doesn’t show any struggle with catching balls and doesn’t “fight” the ball, is always catching the ball cleanly. His ability to catch the ball cleanly is especially evident in routes that result in him running across the field, is able to catch the ball in stride and not have a hitch. However, his only issue with catching the football is at times, he body catches the football more than I’d like with balls that are around his chest. Especially when he’s on the run, at the next level, he’s going to need to use his hands on more of a regular basis to catch, because the defenders are going to be closer to him, and catching with his body will allow the defender to have an opportunity to reach in and force an incompletion. He shows that he isn’t afraid to be physical, and with the one clip that he had of himself run blocking, he did a good job in getting up underneath the defender on a down block. However, with his size, blocking isn’t something that he’s suited for, is capable of doing so, but won’t be what makes him successful. Lastly, his ability to create YAC is really good. His elusiveness, lateral quickness, agility, and great center of gravity allow him to make a lot of defenders miss when he has the ball in his hands. He’s always gaining positive yards, and it’s really difficult for the first defender to get him down. This is why he could be greatly utilized in the screen game. However, I think this could be his ticket to playing professionally, which is being involved with special teams. He showed the capability of being a very valuable returner, but also showed that he isn’t afraid to be a “gunner” on punt coverage and go downfield and make a tackle. That type of effort and want is what will separate Kyle Buss.


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“I attended the BSN combine because my university only had one scout at the pro day and he wasn’t likely to share my results. I took a chance at BSN’s first combine. At the time, I’d never met my agent and he’d never seen me run, but he said if my numbers were true he could find me a job. BSN verified my numbers and my agent followed through with a free agency signing with the Jaguars. BSN has the capacity to turn a 4 second sprint into a career on the field.” 
