2019 National Scouting Combine prospect Chase DeMoor, DL from Central Washington

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Chase DeMoor | Central Washington UniversitY | LB/DL

Twitter: @hbk_chase
Instagram: @hbk_chase
Player Profile:

Q: Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting process was like. Why did you choose Central Washington University?

A: I was fortunate enough to attend a small high school where I was faced with a lot of diversity by being one of the only African American students that attended. One of the biggest challenges that I faced was breaking the curse of my high school with many of the athletes being complacent with attending the local D3 university. During my senior season, I had interests from WSU, however, due to issues in my family I was not able to attend right away. However, later on in the year, I was able to attend the College of the Siskiyou a junior college in California, to play under head coach Charlie Roach who became the father that I never had. While playing for him for two seasons, I was offered many d1 and d2 scholarships to continue my academic and athletic careers. These include offers from University of Nevada, Alabama A&M, SAU, and University of Central Florida. However, being away from home I chose to attend Central Washington University to continue my careers. While at Central Washington I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by great players and coaches alike that helped me exceed and prosper on the Gridiron. While playing I was able to win 2 rings including an undefeated season with the chance to play for a national championship against Texas A&M Commerce. I was also fortunate enough to have great talented players around me that helped me break the school NCAA single season blocked kicks record. Because I was surrounded by a great group of guys I was able to be recognized as 2018 ST Player of the Year.

Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: My biggest accomplishment in my career is to be able to give back to my community. I was able to do this by what is known as “Power of the Jersey.” This means that by being a college football player I was recognized as a higher individual in the community. The things that I did had a greater impact on not only myself but the youth as well. These things include community service by picking up garbage in my community, volunteering at multiple charity foundations, as well as, participating at local elementary recesses to be a positive role model to young students. I feel as though I provide hope to students that grew up in the same area that I did and show them that just because you’re from a small town doesn’t mean that your dreams have to be small. My greatest accomplishment is seeing the joy in my family’s eyes with how proud they are of me and my growth to become a man of God.

Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at Central Washington University?

A: At Central Washington University, we have what are known as core values. These include relentlessness, integrity, accountability, loyalty, and brotherhood. These things I will take with me through the rest of my life because I firmly believe these are the stepping stones of what turns a boy out of high school into a man who is a college graduate. The most influential coach in my lifetime was my junior college, head coach, Charlie Roach. He showed me the path I had to take in order to be successful not only on the football field but in life. He did this by showing me the importance of the classroom first. He also showed me the true meaning of tough love. Because of this, I dedicated my final game in my college career to him.

Q: What was your major and what are your plans if football didn’t work out?

A: My major is Psychology with a focus of adolescence and a minor in Criminal Law. If football doesn’t work out, I plan on joining the Seattle Police Department to pursue a career in law enforcement until I retire which I would then like to counsel children.

Q: What would your teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: I believe my peers would say that because of my work ethic I was able to overcome much and they would be amazed with how quickly I can adapt to changing environments. On the field, they would say I am big, fast, relentless, and physical. Off of the field, they would say that I have outstanding character. As well as, an intense desire to be successful.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: At the age of 10 years old, my 3 other siblings and I lost our father. Because of this, I was forced to watch my mother grieve and struggle to provide all of us with a stable life. While watching my mother go through many abusive relationships, I knew I had to begin training myself so that another man could never put hands on my mother again. Because of this uncertain future, there was a lot of pressure on my older brother to have to grow up quicker than the rest of us. A lot of people are not built for that pressure and eventually it got to my brother and he spent a lot of time locked up. As the second oldest male, all of that pressure fell to me as a challenge. Because of this, I was able to grow strong and have my head on straight at an early age. This allowed me to see my future and my goals, the only thing that I had to figure out was how to get there. I took this as a challenge and decided in my head, no matter the circumstance, no matter what the situation may be, I will find a way. After I made that decision, I never looked back. I will continue to succeed until one day my mom doesn’t ever have to worry about another man putting his hands on her or another dollar again, no matter what I do in life.

Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A: The biggest strength that I will bring to a professional team is being under the radar. I feel as if with my talents as an athlete with my strength, size, speed and intelligence of the game a lot of teams may overlook me because I am from a small school. Therefore, whatever team chooses me will be in for surprise and will not regret the decision to pick me up.

Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: I have many influential people in my life. The 2 most prevalent being my grandfather and Bob Carlson. Bob Carlson, because he raised one of the most amazing humans I have ever met, Victoria Carlson, and brought her to me. He has shown me outstanding love and compassion to the likes I have not known since losing my own father. He became and still is the father that I have always wanted. And my grandfather, Donald Lee DeMoor, God bless his soul, he practically raised my brothers and I. He showed me what it takes to be a man and how to lead a family, the right way. His lessons will resonate inside of me for the rest of my life. Because I know, each and every day, he is looking over me. Just as I know he is with me at every practice and every game. He will continue to be with me through any and every major moment in my life. I hope that one day, I can be half the man that he was. I will continue to do everything in my power to make him proud and that is why on every pair of cleats I own, I write, I promise. Before he passed away, I made a promise to him that no matter what it takes, I will take care of this family.

Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back”/”pay it forward” in your community?

A: Yes, through my university they provide many opportunities to give back to the community. As well as being a partner through Starbucks, I am able to pay it forward nationwide, often.

Q: How are you preparing for the 2019 National Scouting Combine and what were your expectations?

A: The way I am preparing for the Nation Combine, as well as, my pro day. I am training 6 days a week, 2 to 3 times per day, with my trainer TForce Athletics, in Seattle, Washington. My expectation going in is to simply dominate.

Q: What would be your ultimate achievement?

A: My ultimate achievement in life would be that when my time on earth is up, that I left a long lasting positive impact on the lives of everyone I was fortunate enough to meet and that they will look back and see me as something more than what I am.

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