2023 National Scouting Combine Featured Athlete Menorah Faoliu, DL from Saint John’s University

What gives you an advantage over other athletes at DL?

Being explosive out of my stance, along with my technique and game intelligence, is what I believe provides me an advantage over athletes in my position. 


What does being a student of a game mean to you?

To me, being a student of the game means Going above and beyond to observe the activity on the field, critically assessing my performance, seeking out small ways to advance are all examples of going the additional mile.


How would you describe your work ethic?

I would describe my work ethic as being consistent, reliable, and resilient. I’m always willing to learn new skills and incorporate it into my practice. 


What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff?

One of the important things I had the opportunity of  learning from the coaching staff would be how to be reliable to my team and versatile in any position or play I’m needed in.


What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

 I would consider being voted All American to be my biggest accomplishment in my sports career so far. 


How did you hear about the National Scouting Combine?

I heard about the national scouting combine from my agent. I was informed this was a great opportunity to attract more attention from pro teams and help increase my stats. 


Why did you choose the National Scouting Combine?

I chose to attend the national scouting combine because I thought it would aid me to achieve my goals in advancing to the next level of a professional career. I’m taking every opportunity I’m given to showcase my talents and belief that I have what it takes for the next level.


What do you hope to show people at the combine?

I am ready to go pro at any level of opportunity that is given to me. I hope to prove that although I’m not the biggest lineman, my strength, intelligence for the game, adaptability, and willingness to always learn and work will be able to speak for itself.


Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

 My parents are the most significant figures in my life. They have sacrificed everything so that my siblings and I may live our best lives. No matter the hardships that have occurred I could always count on them. My parents have always pushed through and found solutions to any problem. It is because of my father and mother that I am resilient and continue to pursue my dreams.


If not football, then what?

If not football then I would definitely use my degree to find a career. I would most likely pursue being a trainer or a coach for football. Football is my passion and as long as I’m doing something that involves football, I’m great.


If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

If I could make a positive impact on society I would spread awareness of mental health. It’s not a touchy subject, especially for men. Men make up nearly 80% of suicide. To spread kindness and awareness to the people around us. If we could all help each other and lift each other up, we could help one another tremendously. 



What is something unique about you that people would find interesting?

I would say something unique about me is that I have a nickname “monster” because my behavior as a kid was a little terrible. Then I started little league and the name “monster” stuck with me because of how I played. 


If you had the opportunity to play another sport professionally, what sport would you choose?

If I had the opportunity to play another sport professionally, I would do basketball. I enjoy that sport almost as much as football. Put me in any sport and I’m performing at all times.