National Scouting Combine Featured Sports Agent Jesse Heninger from Front Row Sports

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Jesse Heninger | Front Row Sports | Sports Agent 

Twitter: @FrontRowAgents | Instagram: @FrontRowSportsAgency

Q: How did you come to start Front Row Sports? What was your motivation?

A: That’s a great question. FrontRow Sports has certainly evolved since its initial conception in late 2020. Before launching our agency, I was the Director of Marketing, Operations, and Sales in professional arena football for the Richmond Roughriders, West Virginia Roughriders, and most recently with the Indoor Football League’s Massachusetts Pirates. I had received a call from my good friend, lawyer and former boss, Ciro Poppiti III mentioning he recently became a licensed NFLPA agent and wanted me to manage the agency while utilizing my experience in marketing and public relations in combination with his law background to create a sports agency that can not only negotiate well but also highlight & promote the athlete on a top tier level. The rest as they say is history. As far as my motivation, the opportunity to be able to grow and manage an NFL/CFL Sports agency is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The truth is I have a lot in common with all  the athletes that we work with, we are both in critical times in our careers and need each other to help accomplish our goals. 


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?

A: I think the biggest accomplishment is to still be able to work professionally in sports. Most people watch sports on tv or bet on it on their phones. 

I am blessed to be able make a living while simultaneously helping athletes pursue their dreams. Beyond that I was happy to be part of a couple arena football championships in Richmond and West Virginia as well as receive various front office awards, most recently “Front Office of the Year” in 17′, 18′, and 19′. 

Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned during your career?

A: I hate to be the old school one of the group, but the old saying “honesty is the best policy” has rang very true for me over my career. Particularly as a sports agency, it’s not only important that you are honest with the athletes as far as what you can do for them but equally as important for the agency to be honest with themselves.  Working for an athlete and doing a good job can be a lot of work. It’s important that the agency is honest with themselves to understand how many athletes they can bring on, while truly being able to give every client the attention they deserve while at the same time signing enough clients to essentially pay the bills. Honesty really helps in all that. It really helps you monitor the situation, while also being able to sleep at night. 

“We look at athletes that separate themselves from the pack whether it be from combine numbers or their performance throughout the season, and then we begin to look deeper in regards to the intangibles and what else separates themselves from the others.”

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: I think our biggest challenge to date for FrontRow Sports is being the “new guys” in such a fraternal industry of professional sports. Our NFLPA Sports Agency was essentially born in Covid-19 in late 2020 and even as we attain our CFLPA certification and other licenses, it seems sometimes hard to compete with most other agencies that have had the chance to grow roots and personal relationships pre-covid in the NFL & CFL. How do we manage it? Keep working. Keep putting our agency in the best position to succeed. From annually attending college all-star games to partnering with the National Scouting Combine and now attending the event in Indianapolis for our second year in a row, we decided to overcome any initial shortcomings with honest, hard work. 

Q: What qualities do you look for when scouting athletes for representation?

A: These days pro teams have such a large talent pool to choose from. From football to baseball teams, these franchises are looking to narrow down the pool of choices in as many ways as they can to find an athlete that excels above the rest AND fits their scheme of what they are trying to do.  So FrontRow Sports does a bit of the same, first we look at athletes that separate themselves from the pack whether it be from combine numbers or their performance throughout the season, and then we begin to look deeper in regards to the intangibles and what else separates themselves from the others. There isn’t truly one thing that our team looks for in regards to representing an athlete, but a formula that we believe to equal success. 


Q: How can athletes learn more or get on your radar?

A:  The best way for athletes to be considered for representation is to reach out to us on our website (www.FrontRowReps.com) or reach out to us via email at info@FrontRowReps.com

We always ask players to send us a detailed player profile including the college they are currently attending or attended, the years they attended, the positions they played, quality film of the positions they played, any professional combine numbers they accrued, any professional experience they may have since college, and ofcourse quality film of their recent professional experience.  It’s literally as simple as that. Once we receive their information, I send that to our talent department who works with our agent and myself to make the best assessment of the individual athlete. 


Q: What can athletes do to prepare for opportunities at the next level?

A: To be honest, going to events like the National Scouting Combine. The best thing an athlete can do is invest in themselves. Professional teams around the country are hedging their bets and looking at “numbers first” these days. The best thing an athlete can do is find out how teams in their sport are recruiting athletes, and then find a way to seperate themselves from the pack. If you can prove your faster, stronger, and quicker, than the other guy/girl you are instantly creating an advantage for yourself in the recruiting process. It’s company’s like the National Scouting Combine that help you prove just that. 


Q: How important is an athlete’s background and do you look for anything specific?

A:  Having a clean background is always a plus. With such an immense amount of talent available to these professional teams, anything that can sway the team to not to choose you, you should avoid. If we are talking about someone’s background in a sport, that can sometimes be overlooked. Say if someone is 6″6′ and can really rush the quarterback, you tend to not worry about the years of football experience, but can you train him to succeed now. At FrontRow Sports we look for relentless individuals who are highly talented at their craft. We look for guys that know it’s a partnership, and know that we are riding on them as much as they are riding on us. 

Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: I can easily say the most influential person in my life has and will always be my mother. She taught me how to dream. She taught me how to pursue my own happiness & she taught me how to believe in myself. What came out of all that was a true belief that the ultimate dream can in fact come true. Maybe that is what drew me to helping others achieve their dreams. Maybe it’s the reason why I believe I connect so well with our athletes, is that both of our dreams are collectively both incomplete. We have worked so hard our whole lives and are still waiting for a payout we feel we so wholeheartedly deserve.  I am blessed to be able to help people. Blessed to be able to pursue the collective dream.