Beyond Sports Network Feature: Leo Watkins

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Social Media can play both a positive and negative role in athlete’s lives… what is your approach when using social media and what are your goals on a monthly basis?

Social media is a good tool for networking and touching bases with people who can possibly help you and your career. My goals on a monthly bases is simple be better than I was last month as a man and as a athlete

How do you train to stay focused on your position and improving everything from speed to strength and technique?

I’m currently training in California right now working out at least 2x a day I do a lot of plyometrics and lifting/running which is essential at my position. I work on my craft on and off i have positive people like Dante marsh from the CFL who gives me advice on My technique/craft.

How do you think the National Scouting Combine can be improved to help athletes get to where they want?

The combine can improve by having more scouts in attendance like euro league and arena and other professional football leagues so more people can have more options.

leowatkinsHow serious do you take your nutrition? Do you make this a key factor in supplementing your workouts?

I take being nutrient very serious you have to your body must be able to hold upand within anything. The way I play DB is physical so I use supplements to get the most out of my body and the workout.

How has the National Scouting Combine affected you?

The National Scouting Combine affected me greatly and I’m glad I was invited after the combine I spoke with a few CFL scouts and Ended up playing professional arena for the blitz and Chicago eagles

Describe in detail what your diet consists of.

I don’t really have a diet I just try to eat clean and eat a lot so I can keep a decent weight.

Take us through a training session and what keeps you motivated on a weekly basis.

My training session consist on resistance training and plyometrics i use bands to squat jump run everything is usually timed. My family and friends keeps me motivated I want make everyone proud so every day I tell myself my current situation is not my final destination on a weekly basis.

Talk about what has transpired since your participation in the 2016 National Scouting Combine. Did you receive a workout? Tryout? Contract? And if so, with who and where?

After the national scouting combine I had a workout in Miami in front of packers director of pro personal and I had 2 workouts with arena teams(Chicago blitz Chicago Eagles)

What drill(s) do you think is most important to work on in order to make a team?

I say at my position all the drills at important I believe the scouts want to see if you can move smooth and fluid they want to see great footwork and also they want to see your craft and technique

How did you prepare for the National Combine?

Before attending th combine I worked out in my hometown Chicago worked out with my trainers Dre weather and Edwon Simmons from my High school they put me through numerous workouts everyday so it was no days off I cleaned up my eating add some good weight and strength. Unfortunately the weather didn’t allow me to go out and run much so I had to run on a inside surface while training.