National Scouting Combine Feature: Mykeal White DT from Southern Utah University

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Mykeal White | Southern Utah University | DT 

Twitter: @WhiteMykeal | Instagram: @_mykee21

Q: Tell us about your sports career and what the recruiting/scouting process was like?

A: My career with football has been an adventure filled with lessons and growth. From graduating high school, going the junior college route, earning a scholarship to a division one program, it was exciting to say the least. The recruiting process was great, it gave me the idea of how coaching staffs present their programs, explaining how I can be a fit for the team and how the program can benefit my personal goals from football to education. The recruiting process was a learning experience, it reminded me of a job interview, it was great. I got the opportunity to go on two visits and those are experiences that will resonate with me for my lifetime.


Q: Did you play in college and if so, who did you play for? What was your experience like?

A: Riverside City College 2016-2018

     Southern Utah University 2019-2021

My experience with college football was one to remember, from being underrecruited out of high school to getting the opportunity to play division one football for Southern Utah. I had a great time as it did go by fast, if you blink, you’ll miss it. From bus rides to games, early morning meetings, packing away bags the day before, planning out with the boys what to eat when we get to the hotel. These are some of the little things I am going to take with me and remember forever, the boys I worked and battled with.

“My strength that I want to highlight would be my mentality. My mentality is to be the best version of myself, while competing and beating my opponent at the same time.”


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A:  My biggest accomplishment would be my freshman year, earning 2nd team all-conference, being activated to starter, and getting my first true reps 6 games into the season. Dominating the LOS finishing with 5 sacks as a nose guard.


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from your coach(es)

A:  You must put in the work; you can’t just go through the motions.


Q: What would your current/past teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: I would hope good things. I do not like to think what people think of me, I only be myself and the best version I can be, within myself. I would say I carry good teamwork and communication as a couple qualities.


Q: What has been one of the most memorable plays of your career at any level?

A: Getting a fourth down stop against Idaho St in 2019. It was fourth and three, heavy set, two tight ends, back is gun far. I am 4i inside the tackle, sensing the double team with G/T, I shoot straight through the tackles hip, ending up on the floor, I see the running back making a cut and I stick my arm out and grab his shin, tripping him up. Our offense got the ball, drove down, and scored clinching the W. Greatest moment.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A:  Coming back from spraining my labrum my sophomore year and rehabbing that. It was the only medical setback I had in my career, which was a difficult challenge to face. Coming back stronger is what it made me.


Q: Who was the best player you played against anytime during your career?

A:  Braxton Jones, our OT for Southern Utah. He is the greatest challenge I have faced in my career. From great feet, hands, technique, awareness, and ability are all above average, he will be a great asset for any program at the top level.


Q: If you could compare yourself to any pro athlete, who would that be and why?

A: Cam Heyward, simply because I feel as if we have the same choreographics with pass rush moves and get offs. Similar build in terms of body structure. When I watch him play, I sort of see myself in his shoes.


Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A:  My strength that I want to highlight would be my mentality. My mentality is to be the best version of myself, while competing and beating my opponent at the same time. Training and preparing take a huge part in that mindset, I know what I have done and what I am capable of, that gives me the confidence to go out and just perform. One saying that sticks with me, relative to the trenches, “it is either you or me, and I’ll be dammed if its me.” 


Q: Are you involved in mentoring, a charity or do you “give back” or” pay it forward” in your community?

A: I am currently working as a Lead Staff at a facility for at-risk youth in my school’s town. I began working here through internship while obtaining my undergrad. My team and myself have participated in many community events such as helping families move to new homes, helping those affected by flash floods this past year. Filling sandbags, creating barriers for one of the coaches houses that was almost close to flooding through. Participating in most holidays and events st4ructured by the school and sometimes the city.



Q: What do you enjoy doing when not playing football?

A:  Spending time with my family, watching movies or new series that come out. Going to the gym for the sauna, it is very relaxing for me. Trying new recipes or foods. I really enjoy looking at scenery and taking pictures of good views.



Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: Helping the homeless get consistent shelter and necessities that we all need as people. Shelter is vital for one’s mental state but also physical safety from harsh weather and/or people who mean harm. Shelter is essential for any person and there should be action taken towards this issue, from a national and worldwide standpoint.



Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: My mother has been my inspiration.


Q: What is something unique about you that people would find interesting?

A: My name is pronounced (Michael) but is spelled Mykeal.



Q: If you had the opportunity to play another sport professionally, what sport would you choose?

A:  if I the chance to pick another sport it would be hockey, it seems like a bit of fun.



Q: What is your dream job?

A: Becoming an NFL player. This is my dream job, being a professional defensive lineman at the highest level.