National Scouting Combine Featured Athlete Anthony Barksdale, CB from Midwestern State

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Anthony Barksdale | Midwestern State | DB 

Twitter: @Thereal_2times | Instagram: @Abarksdale_

Q: Tell us about your college career and what the recruiting/scouting process was like. ?

A: My recruiting process coming out of juco was full of ups and down. I ended up going to Midland University (naia) in Fremont. Then transferring to Midwestern State (D2) in Texas. I ended up choosing Midwestern to test my abilities and play up a division.

Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career so far?

A: My biggest accomplishment in my college career would have to be achieving all conference.(2018)

Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff while playing at Midwestern State?

A: One thing I learned from playing at Midwestern State is always take advantage of your opportunity.

Q: What was your major and what are your plans if football doesn’t work out?

A: Obtain my cdl and start a trucking company

Q: What would your current/past teammates say about you and your qualities?

A: Hard worker, self motivated, confident.

Q: What has been one of the most memorable plays of your career at any level?

A: I scored the game tying touchdown off a block punt to send the game to overtime.

Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: I ended up transferring to Midwestern State late and missed fall camp. How I manage it is just keep working hard and taking advantage of opportunity.

Q: Who was the best player you played against during your collegiate career?

A: Marquise Brown (2016)

Q: If you could compare yourself to a pro athlete, who would that be and why?

A: The player I’ve been compared to the most is Jalen Ramsey because of my length and ability to cover on and off man.

Q: What is your biggest strength that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you?

A: My abilities to make plays on defense and special teams. Adapt quickly. Ready to learn. I feel like pro scouts should consider me because I make the hardest part of the game easy which is covering receivers.

Q: What do you enjoy doing when not playing football?

A: I like playing chess/video games or just hanging out with friends.

Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: Recycling and making the world a better place.