National Scouting Combine Featured Sports Agent, Lauren Burchfield from Levelup Marketing

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Lauren Burchfield | Levelup Marketing | DB 

Website: levelup-better.com | Instagram: @lb.athlete2agent/

Q: How did you come to start LevelUp? What was your motivation?

A: Levelup was unintentionally started about 10 years ago but my consistent involvement in the youth and amateur sports community and my industry knowledge, and expertise in the fitness and sports nutrition world. Unknowingly I was building brand partnerships for leagues, teams, and athletes before I decided to make it my profession. 


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?

A: My biggest accomplishment comes from knowing I have positively impacted another person’s life and supported their career or life journey. I have had the chance to chat with countless athletes, some that I have or currently represent, and some I simply offered advice, whether it was a simple recommendation for their sports journey or direction for their future career planning, for life after the game. 


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned during your career?

A:  Jokingly, I refer to myself as a “Professional Relationship Facilitator” because I love engaging within different communities and connecting with diverse individuals, simply by initiating a conversation.  It is important to remain humble and offer a helping hand to others around you as your career may rise, it is important to empower those who helped in the process. The sports industry may seem large, but really, it is a small community that is powered by a strong network. That being said, I have found that networking is key for a successful sports career.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: The biggest challenge for me was gaining my first client when LevelUp was just starting out. Gaining the first client seemed the hardest, but once they were signed to our agency, many followed suit. It goes back to being humble, and when you care about those within your cliché, the relationship comes naturally which can be seen by others. It is always important to be yourself, rather than pretending to be what others think you should be. Transparency and being humble goes a long way. As a sports agent and representative, we hold the successes of another individuals in our hands. The original challenge was establishing the foundation of trust that led to relationship. 


Q: What qualities do you look for when scouting athletes for representation?

A: The qualities we look for in our athletes to represent, are those that dedicated, and display active listening skills that translate into leadership abilities. Many of our athletes come from a similar background, leading to them being overlooked, or missed in the chance to advance to the next level. Athletes that remain humble in the process display a different level of dedication. Their motivation and drive is presented like no other, because they are leading with integrity and establishing their right to advance. An athlete’s sports career journey can be uneasy, but our agency and level of representation empowers their alibies as we are a part of the support system, while presenting a variety of opportunities. The athletes that Levelup represent or scouts exhibits those of the same mentality and devotion as the mission behind Levelup. We are dedicated. We are motivated. We will not stop. We believe; therefore, we keep applying ourselves. Levelup seeks those with the same qualities because those are the athletes that are eager to invest in themselves, and so will we. 


Q: How can athletes learn more or get on your radar?

A: Athletes can find me on most of the social media platforms; IG, Twitter, LinkedIn, Discord, or they can check out our company website, or connect with me at the National Scouting Combine. Always happy to have a conversation.


Q: What can athletes do to prepare for opportunities at the next level?

A: Preparing for the next level is not just about physical performance. Yes, as an athlete, the ability to perform is required. However, the mental preparation is the main driver to success. An athlete must be ready to showcase their skills, connect with their fans, all while staying calm under the pressures of their career expectations. Outside of the well-rounded preparation, athletes must seek out every opportunity available to increase their presence, and attend tryouts, network with teams, attend events such as the National Scouting Combine. It is all about being in the right place, at the right time. That is the best way to prepare their self for the next level. Put in the work because the next level does not come easy, it is earned.    


Q: How important is an athlete’s background and do you look for anything specific?

A: As far as an athlete’s background, we look at their school, stats, dedication to the game and we listen to their story. As mentioned, they missed their opportunity, but why? Life can throw curve balls, but it is then how they respond to those life events that transpires to the passion of their devotion of their craft. We do not look for specifics when it comes to background, such as school, family, or life events. We care more about the moral compass and the devotion to their sports career mission.


Q: Who is the perfect candidate that will succeed with your help?

A: The perfect candidate is one the becomes an influential leader, by being the first at practice and the last one to leave. They are consistently mastering their craft and even put in the reps during the off season. The perfect candidate is one who actively listens to direction, advice, and feedback given. In turn, the perfect candidate would instinctively apply those tools and resources offered towards their performance and career development. 


Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: Funny question, because I can confidently state that I feel like I am already doing it. Maybe on a micro impact level but my approach to athlete representation creates a positive impact on someone. My goal when I started representing athletes was to be their support and help them overcome adversity in their sports journey. Everyone deserves a shot at their dream career, and it is a passion of mine to do everything in my power to help as many athletes achieve their dream. 


Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: The most influential person in my life has changed as my personal and professional goals have. My influence comes from others around me, and those that are impacted by a common issue. My influence is driven by the passion that comes from other aspirations and the need to modify the system, by acting as their Change Agent. 


Q: What is something unique about your sport or organization that people would find fascinating?

A: Our method and approach to sports management, athlete representation and athlete development is not like other sports agencies. Our clients become family, and we are dedicated to their overall well-being by offering a holistic approach that provides client specific resources that lead to the enhancement of their sports career journey and business endeavors.