National Scouting Combine Player Spotlight: Dominic Barry

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Dominic Barry
Western New Mexico University

How did you get started playing football? 

Funny story, I was playing basketball first, and I wanted to try out football. My mom didn’t want me to because she thought I would get hurt and I had to beg her to let me play! So she put me in flag first then I felt that wasn’t enough contact so she let me try tackle only if I found a way to pay for it. I had to prove to her I wanted to play. So I sold candy and chips at school each year to play.
What separates you from other athletes trying to become professional? 
My drive to be better in every phase of the game is what drives me! I want to know everything about this game. I need to be the best version of myself.
Tell us about your college choice, career and what the recruiting process was like. 
That entire question can be summed up into I made the best of what I was given. I never had access to the best equipment, most experienced coaches, best resources, and winningest program. I went to Western New Mexico University because that was the best place for me to get an education and play the game I love. I grew so much there and played a great four years there.
What is your biggest accomplishment in your career so far? 
My biggest accomplishment is when I became a starter as a redshirt freshman. I sat the entire year and bided my time throughout the season and spring ball.
What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned from the coaching staff? 
How to take criticism. Any time they are riding you is because they see something special in you!
What is/was your biggest challenge and how do/did you manage it? 
Overcoming the redshirting process. As seniors in high school we were always told we were gods out there, but when we get to college we are bottom of the totem pole again fighting for a spot.
What is your biggest strength or X factor that you bring to a professional team? 
My knowledge of he game is something that I take very serious. I pride myself in understanding the what, the how, and the why for every position on the field. I want to be in a position to help others in this game as well.
Who is or has  been the most influential person in your life? 
My mentor Byron Kimbrew, who helped me on and off the field in high school to get to college. He would come out every day after practice and on the weekends just to help me and a few other athletes get better. Not only that he would teach us some small aspects of life.
What are your goals with football? If football does not work out, then what? 
My goal is to be the best linebacker to ever play the game. I want to be apart of his movement of linebacker that is able to run sideline to sideline and play different aspects of the game. If football does not work out I want to start up a program that gets at risk youth involved in productive lives. Not just youth but young adults as well.
How did you prepare for the national scouting combine and what are your expectations?
I trained at Winners Circle Athletics in Corona CA. We focused on the various drills hag I will be performing at the combine. I expect to excel and crush my personal best in every drill.
What would be your ultimate achievement?
My ultimate achievement would be having the ability to change lives. Not just financially, but in any way possible. Even if that means just words of advice that carry weight. That is where the NFL comes in handy because it can give me that platform.
If you had to compare yourself to a current pro player, who would it be and why? 
I do not compare myself to any player at the pro level because I feel what I bring to the game is completely different from what most players at my position are doing.