NSC Sports Agent Feature: Ramiro Ferrand from Ferrand Sports

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Ramiro Ferrand | Ferrand Sports | Sports Agent 

Twitter: @FerrandSports

Q: How did you come to start your agency? What was your motivation?

A: After a long stint in the music industry and noticing that technology for music marketing and distribution had taken over the industry I felt in 2014 it was time to go back to professional sports.


Q: What would you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?

A: When I was invited to the NFL Front Office and invited back again. I also brought one of my clients with me to support an imitative that I was proposing.


Q: What do you consider to be one of the more important things you learned during your career?

A: That the NFL stays neutral when it comes to player selection for the draft. They have third party companies that manage those situations. The third parties are BLESTO and NATIONAL, so familiarize yourself with them.


Q: What has been your biggest challenge and how do you manage it?

A: My biggest challenges have been not being able to get past corporate gate keepers so that I can network with the contacts that I need to push me and my client base forward. The way I manage it is by infiltration; infiltration meaning I will find an opening in a company’s infrastructure and find a capable person to fill that company’s need. When that person fills the void and is in place I have them network on all our be halves.


Q: What qualities do you look for when scouting athletes for representation?

A: The ones who understand the game post draft;  the great athletes that are also businessmen willing to invest in their product to keep attaining film to move up a level or two.


Q: How can athletes learn more or get on your radar?

A:   They can follow @FerrandSports on Twitter for the FREE! Free Agent Athlete Tip!


Q: What can athletes do to prepare for opportunities at the next level?

A: They need to condition their minds because they need to understand that professional sports is a business. They need to understand the harsh reality of going UNDRAFTED and still hungry to play, its an investment involved at this juncture.


Q: How important is an athlete’s background and do you look for anything specific?

A: An athlete’s background is very important because if an athlete in his draft year or one year removed from his draft year reveals he has multiple school transfers etc.. I have to find out why you could not stick to one program and I followed my coach to a bigger or smaller college that’s in its inaugural season won’t work with me.


Q: Who is the perfect candidate that will succeed with your help?

A:  The perfect candidate is the businessman that is looking to get invited to an NFL camp after the draft is over. Once you go undrafted you have to have the financial means to re-boot your football career. The perfect candidate is the athlete that will allow himself to be managed and advised meaning he has to be coachable and trainable to get the desired results we both want to achieve.


Q: If you could make a positive impact on all of society what would it be and why?

A: : I would inspire all of society to have faith in themselves and know that any dream can be accomplished and will be accomplished if you just keep going for it no matter what. My best advice as it was also given to me by Leigh Steinberg and Chris Cabot @ChrisCabot on Twitter with Steinberg Sports and Entertainment; is to just keep going!


Q: Who is or has been the most influential person in your life?

A: The most influential person in my life is my father who made something out of nothing by starting his own financial services company and made himself a very wealthy man. I could only hope to match his accomplishment.


Q: What is something unique about your sport or organization that people would find fascinating?

A: My company has had two virtual meetings with the NFL Front Office regarding advocacy of overlooked players who played at military academies and had to pass on the opportunity to play professionally due to having a service obligation to our great country.

My company networks with Don Yee the agent of the GOAT Tom Brady through my contact Tom Goodhines President of Operations with HUB, @HUB on Twitter and @TomGoodhines on Twitter. They have given several of my clients an opportunity to workout in front of NFL and CFL scouts.

My company networks with Leigh Steinberg agent for Patrick Mahommes and Tua Tagavaloa; through the Steinberg Sports Business certification and Agent Academy workshops. I have had two meetings with one of their agents on staff Selwyn Roberts @selwyngroberts on Twitter.  This was regarding advocacy of overlooked players who played at military academies as well.

I was able to take former Army WestPoint cadet Jeff Ejekam @ElJefe on Twitter into both meetings to state his case on why he and others like him should get a workout with an NFL team.